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Showing posts from November, 2010

Christ Loves Us!!

Christ Plus Nothing Equals Everything - Martin Luther We had our Women's Ministries meeting last night.  One of the Thanksgiving games we played involved listing everything we are thankful for and comparing our answers to see which ones were unique.  I was truly in awe of some of the things mentioned.  Things like a healthy body and a sound mind were mentioned, but our ladies went much deeper.  They went into the attributes of God.  Things like grace and God the Father's unfailing love.  Answered prayers and the Holy Spirit.  Mercy and peace.  These are the things that can't be taken away.  When our health fails us and we struggle to understand life's issues, there is the knowledge that Christ is enough.  That is what holds us when we feel like giving up.  That is what puts a song in our heart in the middle of dark night. Christ loves us. That is everything!

Let's go love on some kids!

My hubby and I have inherited coordination of the Girls and Boys Wednesday night ministry (formerly known as Missionettes and Royal Rangers) at our current church.  Neither one of us honestly needed another thing to add to our plates but that is another story! I now start my Wednesday morning by saying outloud "Tonight we get to go love on some kids!"  Believe me, these are kids that desperately need to be loved!  Some of them come from home situations we cannot imagine.  After working 8-5, I know not to sit down and get comfortable!  We are at church by 6-6:15 and the vans start bringing in the masses! This week we had 83.  I get the girls classes together in the fellowship hall and we go over the pledges to the flags and our theme songs.  Last week, I heard one of our teachers telling her girls as they were leaving "I love you! See you next week!" It absolutely blessed my heart and I thought "This is why we do what we do."  We are blessed t...

Ministry Re-Focus:

Why are we Here? Why do we do what we do? What has God called us here to do? Why are we here? We are here because God led us here. God opened the door and clearly showed us that we were to walk through it. Why do we keep doing what we are Doing?  We keep doing what we are doing because God called us HERE.  Sure, we did not know when we accepted the call here the problems we would face. On the surface, everything looked good.  But when you peeled back the layers, there were absesses and lack of solid foundation that were revealed.  We still believe in who we are in God and that sanity and a healthy church body are worth fighting for. We do what we do because it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it is not easy and often it does not turn out for your own personal favor but we have to do what we know is right in the long run.  This means being willing to take the short-term criticism. What has God called us here to do?  To win souls and disc...