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Showing posts from July, 2010

New Book Review for Christians in Sales

This time last year, I officially joined the workforce as a sales representative for a State Farm agent.  The first few months were filled with training and becoming licensed.  I really loved the challenge of passing all the state and company exams, as well as learning the insurance business. Fast forward to year 2 and my boss has new goals for me... namely sales.  This is new territory for me and I am being stretched in new directions. These challenges are definitely taking me out of my comfort zone.  Because of this, the title of the book I am reviewing "Jungle Warfare: A basic manual for Christians in Sales." immediately caught my attention. To be honest with you: it IS a jungle out here!  How to navigate the marketplace and 'compete' in a totally secular environment is unfamiliar territory for me and I do have days I feel like Rambo must have felt dropped off in enemy territory! This book is great because the author used his grandfather's World War 2...

Body for Life:Getting Fit!

Several years ago, my husband and I decided we needed to get into shape.  We had just moved from St. Louis to a small town in Southern Illinois and after looking at some pictures (Ouch!) we decided that we wanted to change our habits and get our bodies into shape.  We looked at different programs and settled on Body for Life. This program was designed by Bill Phillips and has been around for several years.  The basics of the program involve eating a balance of healthy carbs and protein throughout the day, coupled with switching off daily between aerobic activity and weight lifting.  We started this program and immediately saw great results.  Not only did we look better, but we felt better too. Our small town had a small fitness center and we were basically given a key when we joined. Fast forward 4 years and here we are in a new town and with new jobs!  Our healthy habits have more or less continued, but lately we have started to feel a strong sense of ...

Letting Go.

Sometimes I struggle with letting go this can mean things in my life like those little habits that are unnecessary and steal my time and energies sleeping for that extra 20 minutes instead of getting out of bed when I intend to this means letting go of laziness and feeling I have the 'right' to sleep in this can mean people in my life people that are no longer a part of my life but I still second guess myself about wondering why I still think about them and second guessing what they think about me this can mean the past remembering only the good things about a time that is over or rehashing the bad times... forgiving those who have wronged us and the questions we have about the sovereignty of God. To move forward we have to let go. So many people live in the past and forget about the future instead of forgetting the past and moving into the future.