This is a big day for us! My oldest is now a HS senior and my 'baby' is in 9th grade! This morning after we prayed as a family, they squacked when I ran to get the camera! I can't help it! The mom in me wants to capture every moment I can this year. I know I can't freeze time, but I also know this year will fly by. These times are so important. I wish teenagers could understand how the decisions they make right now affect their entire future. It seems strange that we know a teenager's brain is not fully developed yet, but they have the responsibility of decisions that they need a complete brain to make! I am so thankful for my boys and I cherish the time we have together. I am attempting to slow down and put certain things on hold as I create memories with them in the time I have left to be with them!
Come join me as I share my heart and mind about things that I care about and what God is speaking in my life.