The friendships of women.... what a subject! The books and articles written about the subject could fill a library! A few years ago, I had the opportunity to become very close friends with 2 special ladies. God sent them to me at a time when I really needed to grow and learn. These two very special people became like sisters to fact I still call them my sister friends. Through these relationships, I learned what a true friend is, as well as what a true friend is not! At the time, I was in a box of my own making. I was trying desperately to be what I thought everyone else wanted and expected me to be. These ladies became my armor bearers. They prayed for me and with me and loved me unconditionally. God called us from that place of ministry and we had to part. All of us faced some pretty tough things in the next few years. One of us lost a son, two lost a brother and one lost a sister. We went through changes of churches, jobs, locations and our share of health issues. ...