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Showing posts from February, 2009

Personal accountability

Have you noticed lately that our society has a problem with accountability? No one wants to answer to another for their actions. I am reminded of a young man we had in our youth group years ago. J___ was a quirky teenage boy who had made it through the awkward junior high years and looked like a young man. Like most 18 year olds, he was still a boy in a man's body. One day J_____ came to my husband and said "I am tired of my parents telling me what to do all the time. I am getting away from it. I am joining the army." Now if you have a military background at all you understand how completely stupid that statement is. The military experience is all about learning self-discipline. They tell you where and when to eat, sleep, spit and breathe. My husband was quick on his feet and told him "That is exactly what you need to do." The truth is that we all answer to someone. Children hate answering to their parents and teachers, not realizing that their parents ar...

Personal Commitment

I was listening to a radio interview with Christian songwriter and performer Steve Greene yesterday. Steve's parents were missionaries and he was raised in a very strict Christian home. When he went to college, he was faced with temptations and challenges to his belief system. He stated that he knew God was real and that his parents were committed to him but he had to decide for himself what his personal commitment would be and why. What is your personal commitment level to God and why are you committed? Is it because that is how you were raised? Maybe it is because that is the environment you find yourself in. Perhaps your parents or spouse have expectations that keep you 'in line'. The fact of the matter is we can do all the right things for all the wrong reasons. God does not want my life to 'look' holy. That is all about appearances. God wants me to 'be' holy for the simple reason that He is holy and I desire to be like Him. So often, we do things becaus...

I go to the Rock

Where do I go? When there's no one else to turn to? Who do I talk to? When no one wants to listen? Who do I lean on? When there's no foundation stable? I go to the Rock. I know He's able. I go to the Rock. Wow! What more can describe my life right now than the words of this song? So much has happened since this year began. My sister, Rachel, is still alive but on hospice. I have spent the last month going back and forth between IL and TN. I have been sick twice and more down than I remember ever being before. My son, Nathan, totalled our second vehicle. Of course, this was the vehicle we only had liability insurance on so we are now in desperate need of another car... without the fiances to get one. But through all of these circumstances, I have not lost sight of the truth that "This too shall pass" I know that because I am unable to do this on my own God will take care of it. He is my heavenly Father and my provider. Even when I was so down I could not l...