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my new red (orange?) hair

I did something radical this week..... I have always been a dark blonde gal and have played with my hair color in slightly darker or lighter directions but I took a BIG plunge and went red. My husband was supportive in this endeaver, as it is something I have been talking about for awhile now. He even went and helped me pick out the color. He immediately pointed to the one he liked and encouraged me to go for it, so I did.

I went in the next day by myself and spent three hours in 'the chair'. My beautician recommended i have my eyebrows done to match my hair. Sure, no problem. 10 minutes later my eyebrows looked like an orange crayon. No really, bright orange, as in a pumpkin orange. Now I was acutely aware that the little strips of hair on the front of my face had been dyed to match the load of hair on the top of my head. This is when the panic set in.

I remained calm as Kim washed my hair, and as she paused in the middle of the wash to say "Um, you may not like this." Funny how we can have the exact same thoughts as someone else! Well, the good news is I actually half liked it (after we made the eyebrows lots lighter). My beautician and I agreed to give it a day or so to see if I (and my husband) liked it enough to keep it.

I got home and my husband absolutely loved it. He assured me it looked great. "Awesome, I am keeping it if it looks that good!" I walked around the rest of the day feeling pretty good about myself. The next morning I got up and looked in the mirror. Um... my hair is orange. My husband assured me again it looked great. "Ok, I can do this," I thought. Throughout the day, Lee assured me several times he loved my new color.

That evening, as we were getting ready for the play my 10th grader had at school, Lee caught me looking (staring) in the mirror. "So, you really like my hair?" I asked. "Love it" he answered. Then I faintly heard him say under his breath, "Of course, maybe I am not the right one to ask." That was when it hit me.... My husband is color blind. No, seriously, I am not kidding. Lee really is color blind. The primary colors he can not see are RED and green. Can I describe to you the absolute panic I felt at that moment?

My reliance on his advice and approval was really silly considering I had been married to him for 18 years and knew this fact about him. Yet, he was the one I turned to when I wanted advice about my hair color. I even let him pick it out!

Doesn't that remind you of how we sometimes are as Christians when we need advice? How many times do we ask the wrong people for advice and approval when faced with important decisions?

Psalms 1 says "Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth at the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doeth he meditate day and night. He shall be like a tree palnted by the rivers of living water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season. His leaf also shall not perish and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

I am blessed when I do NOT seek the counsel of the ungodly. I think this is because I am not filling my ears with worldly perspectives and views.

They may love me and think they know the best for me, but they don't understand my priorities and goals. They want what they think is best for me, but they don't understand that when I put God first in my life, I am able to depend on Him to provide for me in an awesome way....... At this point in my life, I want to make my decisions based on the One who knows me intimately and created me to shine with all the color and splendor of His creation reflected in my life. He is NOT blind to any color and sees clearly enough for me to trust Him with my life (and my orange hair!).


Anonymous said…
Awesome post! I have to admit I smiled... ok I laughed .. reading the whole thing. I love how the Lord teaches us in the every day adventures of life. Your hair looks great too :-) I really appreciate your heart about relying on your hubbys advice on even hair color.


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