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Showing posts from January, 2011

Be Thou Exalted

A.W. Tozer (in his book The Pursuit After God ) — O God, be Thou exalted over my possessions . Nothing of earth’s treasures shall seem dear to me if only Thou art glorified in my life. Be Thou exalted over my friendships. I am determined that Thou shall be above all, though I must stand deserted and alone in the midst of the earth. Be Thou exalted above my comforts. Though it may mean the loss of bodily comforts and the carrying of heavy crosses I shall keep my vow made this day before Thee. Be Thou exalted over my reputation. Make me ambitious to please Thee even if as a result I must sink into obscurity and my name be forgotten as a dream. Rise, O Lord, into Thy proper place of honor , above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family, above my health and even my life itself. Let me decrease that Thou mayest increase, let me sink that Thou mayest rise above. .

Are you pursuing the blessings of God or are they pursuing you?

Are you pursuing the blessings of God? Do you ever look at other people's lives and see what great things are happening and wonder why you aren't seeing those things in your own life or ministry? While in prayer this morning, it suddenly hit me afresh that the blessings and favor of God pursued David.  Think about it. David was with his sheep, tending them in the lonely wildernes as his father had ordered him to do.  In the meantime, his brothers were enjoying the comforts of home and a great meal prepared for their visitor.  They then got in line to get the blessing they undoubtably thought Samuel was handing out. But the Holy Spirit had someone else in mind... the obedient and faithful son that was not considered important enough to send for.  David did not have to pursue the blessing of God, it pursued him!  Why? because of his faithfulness and because he kept his heart pure before God. He spent time in worship with Jehovah, in spite of knowing he ...

January=Facebook Fast

One of my standards in my life has always been that I did not want anything in my life that I could not do without.  Throughout the years, I have tried this out at various times with things like television, caffeine and even sugar. I try to teach that to my children also. I have compassion to those who are addicted to nicotine, alcohol, even food.  I think it is so much easier if we stay away from the things that have the capability to control us daily. Facebook is one of those things that can be a blessing or a curse.  I recently found myself way too concerned about facebook.  I admit, it was affecting my emotions.  Behavior that we would not find acceptable in face to face interactions seems to be common on facebook.  Seeing parents bash their children or children their parents, watching people I know are critical of others 'suck up to' them online, Christian couples lusting over movie stars and airing their marriage woes, as well as gene...

A New Season

This is a new season. A season of hope. A time for new beginnings. This is the time to let go of the past with all of it's failures, as well as what you thought were it's successes. It is time to move forward. Reach toward all that I have for you. Seek me with all of your heart. Keep your heart pure before me and your hands clean. Do not allow the corruption of the world to discolor your heart. Set your fce like a flint. Take care of the things in your life you have been neglecting. Do the things you need to do to be in position. The position that I have placed you in. Do not borrow trouble from tomorrow OR from yesterday. Listen only for my voice and seek only after me. For this season is the time to move forward.

Is that a threat or a promise?

Being the mom of 2 teenage boys, we have had our share of sarcasm and humor.  One of the corny things I am sure we all have heard is when someone says something they are going to do and the other guy asks "Is that a threat?"  The answer, according to their humor is "No, that's a promise!" I was reminded of that today when a friend, knowing I am going through a trying time with some unethical individuals, sent me the following verse: The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out. Proverbs 13:9  To those of us who live our lives for Christ, that verse offers us the assurance that our light is shining,,, even when we can't see it ourselves.... even when we don't realize our perserverence is a testimony to those around us who are watching our lives. But consider, for a moment, those who are being warned in that verse.  The lamp will be snuffed out.  No, it is not our job.  Realistically...